Donald J. Trump








Table of contents:

Introduction: p. 3

chapter 1: Trump’s early years: p. 4-5

chapter 2: Trump’s later years: p. 6-7

chapter 3: the election: p. 8-9

chapter 4: where Trump stands with immigration: p. 10-11

chapter 5: Trump and North Korea: p. 12-13

chapter 6: why did trump win the election: p. 14

conclusion: p. 15

bibliography: p. 16
















I’m doing my essay about Donald Trump because he’s the president of America and he’s promised a lot of things. Everyone is asking themselves: How will he pull that off. In his first year of presidency he had one of the lowest approval rating that a president of America ever had and now (02-11-2017) his approval rating is: 56,4% disapprove and 38% approve. I agree with the 56,4%. By reading this essay I hope that you will learn more about Trump and that, at the end, you will also agree with my policy.


Trump’s approval rating





chapter 1: Trump’s early years


Donald John Trump was born on the thirteenth of June, 1946 in Queens, New York city. His father’s name was Frederick Trump and his mother’s name Mary Anne Trump. He had two older sisters and one younger brother, his older brother, contributed to by alcoholism, died in 1981. Trump went to the kew-forest school in Queens, New York from kindergarten to 7th grade. When he was thirteen he went to the New York military academy, a boarding school. The reason that his parents sent him there was because he frequently made trips to Manhattan without any permission.


In august 1964 Trump went to Fordham university but after two years he went away from that university and went to the Wharton school of the university of Pennsylvania because he wanted to be a real estate agent. The reason that he went to that university was because it was one of the few university’s that taught real estate. This university was a privet one so it costs about ten times more than a normal university. The university of Pennsylvania itself is a public university.


Just like his father Trump was inspired by William Zeckendor, a developer from Manhattan. Trump also said that he would be bigger and better than William Zeckendor. While Trump was at Wharton he also worked for the family business: Elizibeth Trump and Son. In May, 1968 Trump graduated with a bachelor in science and a diploma in economy.


Trump didn’t get forced to fight in the Vietnam war, didn’t volunteer to fight and didn’t volunteer as spare soldier. He always says “America first” and “America’s the best” but he didn’t even volunteer to be a spare soldier. In 1966 Trump was fit for service based on a military report. In 1969 he got a high number with the military “lottery” so there was very little chance that he would be called for military service.Picture3

Trump at the military academy





2 thoughts on “Donald J. Trump

  1. hey julian! its maya! that was an amazing essay! good job! you have officially inspired me to start one of these too! how did you make the website? anyways great job!
    Maya (your cousin)

    Liked by 1 person

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